As the party watches in the mirror, and old man comes and removes an item from the mirror-chest and leaves again. There is a mirror on the wall, that shows everything to be normal, except that the chest contains treasures and magic items. Treasure Trick: A chest in the room is empty. If the mirror is broken, the rooms become inaccessable, but the evil twins will continue to stalk the party through mirrors and reflections.ġ0. (How to deal with this, I have no idea!) Each of the six rooms has a piece of a key, and when all six parts are assembled, it leads somewhere else. The evil twins will attack the party instantly, but any attacks on a twin also affect the real character, and vice versa. And his "evil twin" exits just as he was entering. A character can step through the mirror, like quicksilver, but will find that the party's "evil twins" are in the room in the mirror. The mirror is the only way to reach these chambers. It can be placed on all four walls, as well as the ceiling and floor, and on each wall it opens into a different chamber. The mirror appears to show a reflection of the room (complete with reflected characters), but if it is moved, it will be seen to be a magic portal into another room. It can be removed from the wall, but is just a bit too large to remove from the room without breaking it. Tesser-mirror-act: There is a mirror on the wall. And in a temple devoted to Justice, the correct answer is to sentence neither, for there is not enough evidence to convict them.ĩ. If found in a temple of a god of evil or power, sentencing the youth is the answer. This puzzle can be presented in multiple locals, and the answer different in each. Now, here's where the lateral thinking part comes in. The PCs must decide which to send to the gallows. The father is well known for his cruelty and temper, but another noble, a good friend of his, vouches for his whereabouts. The youth has a strong reputation for honesty, and a sweet temper, but his only alibi is that he was asleep, alone when the crime was committed. Only two suspects remain - his servant, an honest youth which he often abused, and his father, a cruel man given to fits of rage.

A the question of a murder is presented to the PCs, a young noble killed to death in his own room. (Also - running a Legend of Zelda game soon, which is translating into a need to think of puzzles, puzzles and more puzzles!).Ĩ) Justice! Or is it.? This one requires a bit of lateral thinking. I'm trying to add more of these to my games - roleplay is fun, and so are fights, but sometimes, you really need to get the brain going.